Galerie Vidéo

African Student says "Hunting will never end in Africa"

Faune africaine
African Student says "Hunting will never end in Africa"
Publié le 15 février 2023

I don't think hunting will ever end in Africa because we have embraced it. It's part of our tradition. We are seeing the benefits from it and it's contributing to conservation...

Botswana Community Can't Survive Without Hunting

Faune africaine
Botswana Community can't survive without Hunting
Publié le 29 septembre 2022

Hunting is important to our community (Botswana Community). We must not stop junting. Hunting is creating employment for our children. If you stop hunting what must we do? Where should we go...

South African Community rejects Western Animal Rights Groups

Faune africaine
South African Community rejects Western Animal Rights Groups
Publié le 15 août 2022

If the Western countries and the animal rights groups block us from hunting they must know that they are not welcome to SDC (Southern Africa Development Community).

Zambia Says International Hunting Benefits Communities & Wildlife Conservation

Faune africaine
Zambia Says International Hunting Benefits Communities & Wildlife Conservation
Publié le 25 juillet 2022

As usual we have our share of hunting revenue in Zambia. It's revenue share that is actually a statutory instrument. We have 50-50 share between communities and government.

International Hunting Supports Conservation In Tanzania

Faune africaine
International Hunting Supports Conservation In Tanzania
Publié le 20 juillet 2022

Hunting is one of the forms of conservation and it is meant to generate resources to sustain the hunted population itself...

"Lift the Hunting Ban" Kenyans appeal to their Government (Part II)

Faune africaine
"Lift the Hunting Ban" Kenyans appeal to their Government (Part II)
Publié le 2 juin 2022

Whenever something is banned like we banned almost totally, hunting and the use of wildlife here in Kenya - we lose. Since the banning of hunting is not stopping poaching, how about allowing it. Licensing it and regulating it.

"Lift the Hunting Ban" Kenyans appeal to their Government (part I)

Faune africaine
"Lift the Hunting Ban" Kenyans appeal to their Government (part I)
Publié le 1 juin 2022

According to economist Joe Chege, Kenya is going too far in terms of conserving or protecting wildlife.

Botswana's Pandamatenga Community Hunting Benefits

Faune africaine
Botswana's Pandamatenga Community Hunting Benefits
Publié le 4 mai 2022

The Werstern World: One thing that we know is that they don't even understand the balance between wildlife conservation, wildlife rights and human rights...

Hwange Community Benefits from Hunting

Faune africaine
Hwange Community Benefits from Hunting
Publié le 4 avril 2022

Hunting is helping our community in Zimbabwe. Animal rights groups: stop dictatorship on wildlife managment in Africa.

Intervention by Residents.

Why trophy hunting helps protect animals | The Economist

Faune africaine
Pourquoi la chasse aux trophées aide à protéger les animaux
Publié le 11 janvier 2022

La chasse aux trophées suscite l’indignation dans le monde entier. Mais le sport très controversé peut en fait aider à protéger certains des animaux les plus menacés d’Afrique, voici comment.

Real Conservation

Faune africaine
Real conservation
Publié le 11 mai 2021

A Coutada, dans le delta du Zambèze, l’un des moyens les plus efficaces de lutter contre le braconnage est de fournir aux communautés locales une alternative durable.

Lettre ouverte d’un chasseur à Brigitte Bardot - Par Alexandre Col

Lettre ouverte d’un chasseur à Brigitte Bardot - Par Alexandre Col
Publié le 9 avril 2021

Le 30 mars dernier, la fondation Brigitte Bardot a annoncé une grande campagne de communication avec plus de 1500 panneaux aux abords des villes diffusant un message anti-chasseur.


Safari Club International
Video of the SCI Foundation
Publié le 30 janvier 2020

Discover a video of the SCI Foundation.

Chasser sans chasseur

Chasse en Suisse
Avons-nous besoin des chasseurs ?
Publié le 5 décembre 2019

Vidéo d'information publiée par Nouvo sur la  nécessiter de réguler la faune sauvage chassable.

The Response

Faune africaine
The Response
Publié le 9 septembre 2019

Anti-hunters and the hunting community share a common passion... their love of wildlife. However, the anti-hunter views wildlife through the nirvana-like bubble of national parks.


Safari n.m.
(Fin du 19ème siècle, mot swahili, de l'arabe safara, voyager)
Une expédition pour observer ou chasser les animaux dans leur habitat naturel, en particulier en Afrique de l’Est.