Faune africaine

"Lift the Hunting Ban" Kenyans appeal to their Government (part I)

"Lift the Hunting Ban" Kenyans appeal to their Government (part I)

According to economist Joe Chege, Kenya is going too far in terms of conserving or protecting wildlife. Governments of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia and so on have put policies in place which enable communities to benefit a great deal more from wildlife...

Intervention by Joe Chege - Kenyan Economist, and Eunice Ngali - Kenya resident, and Eliah Mutale - Leader of a community in Zimbabwe, and Jonanathan Mwanjeje - Kasigau Ranch Chairman


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Safari n.m.
(Fin du 19ème siècle, mot swahili, de l'arabe safara, voyager)
Une expédition pour observer ou chasser les animaux dans leur habitat naturel, en particulier en Afrique de l’Est.