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We work to maintain our fauna and biotopes


SCI Helvetia

Swiss Section of Safari Club International

The SCI Foundation has dedicated in recent years more than 300 million US$ for wildlife conservation, education, hunting promotion and the fight against poaching. Its parent company, SCI was established in the United States in 1973 and is today the world's largest wildlife and hunter organization. HEVLETIA SCI is the direct emanation for Switzerland.

The SCI is not based on emotions, but on scientifically proven facts, to emphasize the importance of legal and sustainable hunting in the management and conservation of wildlife.


Swiss news
Published on
SCI's Helvetia Chapter in Switzerland showcased its celebrated Black Grouse Conservation Project during its Chapter General Assembly in Gstaad on…
Swiss news
Published on
European Chapters have innovative plan to save habitat. In the Swiss Alps, the Safari Club International Helvetia Chapter and the Association Alpine…


Event & Assembly
Published on
We are pleased to inform you that the SCI Helvetia Chapter is organizing its annual grand weekend from the 16th to 17th of August 2024 in Gstaad,…
Event & Assembly
Published on
We are pleased to inform you that the SCI Helvetia Chapter is organizing its annual grand weekend from the 11th to 12th of August 2023 in Gstaad,…

Supported projects

Supported project
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La création de l’Association Alpine Tetrao Tetrix (AATT) a permis un élan pour recréer des zones favorables au tétras-lyre. Le samedi 7 octobre 2023…
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Discover the follow-up of the Caprin project: Balance sheet 2022, Duration of browsing, Investment & Actions for 2023

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International news
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Botswana's president wants to send 20,000 elephants to Germany. Behind the joke lies anger at the image of Africa held by Western environmentalists.